Saturday, January 22, 2011

a move of sorts

It's been quite a while since I've updated...which is how I start all posts on this blog. It's very had to maintain two blogs and 20 week old. So while not completely closing up shop here, I'm sort of putting a notification that the Lisa Bell Photography blog is the blog of choice for posting not only business stuff, but the everyday happenings in our life, and that's where you can find us.

A recent picture of my girl to round out the post

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ada updated


Saturday, September 11, 2010

She's here!!!

As of last Friday our beautiful, wonderful, sweet baby girl is here! SO IN LOVE!!! We're all happy and healthy. Praise the Lord! Of course there will be more pictures of this little one...just as soon as we can catch our breaths.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Since the last post.

Yeah, I don't update this much.
I'm now 30 weeks into the pregnancy. We still have a lot of things to do to get ready for Ada...a lot of things to get. The room isn't finished yet. The walls are the appropriate colors now. The bedding has been made; I just have the curtains to go. We ordered a glider earlier this week. There are things to be hung on the wall. I still have to get a mirror to fit one frame. I decided to paint a canvas with some of the flowers from the fabric, and hang above the crib....still have to do that. We got a ceiling fan installed. I'm expecting the next few weeks to become busy preparing the final touches.
The garden is doing well. I haven't taken any photos of it in a while, but hopefully will soon. The tomatoes are taller than the stakes. The squash plants are huge (sadly, I think they are starting to produce less and maybe finishing for the summer soon). The eggplant is blooming like mad. The asparagus has ferned like it should. We are waiting on the big tomatoes to start ripening. The grape tomatoes have been for a week or so. We've been weighing everything we get, and so far we've gotten about 25lbs. from our little garden. Plenty of squash and cucumbers.
We've done two weddings in the past few weeks. I'm finishing up the editing of one as I type. We also had a wedding show at the Carolina First center last Thursday.
Jeff had a cold the first part of June, and passed it to me (and his mom). Although I'm feeling much better, I think the after effects might possibly turn into an ear infection, which I desperately do not want. We shall see. I have an OB check up tomorrow. I don't if an obstetrician keeps an otoscope in the office or not, hopefully things will be better before then.
Okay, I'm leaning toward a nap...until the next update.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lots of stuff

The garden boxes are complete. All the construction of that area is finished, so now it's just tending to the plants.
A couple of weeks ago we found out we're having a girl. Her name is Ada Kate, and we can't wait for August to meet her. I've been feeling her move around for a while now, but last week she started really kicking...or at least the first kicks. I know it'll get harder later, but it's so awesome!
We've started on her room. We've got it's extremely bright. I'm actually considering doing a couple of walls in a lighter shade. I don't want to get a migraine from the color.
We are about to have a little vacation in Pigeon Forge. I'm super excited to get away for a while...boy do we need it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Working hard

That's what we've been doing the past few weeks. As Spring started to show it's face a few weeks ago, we started to get busy. We wanted to do garden boxes, so we started on that right away. I posted on the photography blog about that. We had some yard stuff to do at the rental places, pre-emergence to start with. In the coming weeks we'll have to do pine straw at a couple. Plus, we'll have that to do at our house. We're still working on the boxes. We had to lay a path to the boxes with the stepping stones, so we started on that, and have still got some leveling to go to get it how we'd like it. A compost box and small asparagus box will be added in a few weeks (late for asparagus-I know). We'll then have to focus our attention to the neglected patio area. There will have to be pressure washing done (front of the house too), we need to repaint our table and chairs, and new covers for the cushions will have to happen. Whew!
We have our big ultrasound appointment on April 8th. So as soon as we know boy or girl, I'll order fabric and get to work on the bedding stuff. We've checked out a couple of baby furniture stores, to get an idea what we want.
Lots of stuff ahead on the Spring agenda. Hopefully we'll have a little rest in there somewhere to prepare for the project arriving at the toward the end of the summer.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

another update

Things are moving right along. I'm 14 weeks 4 days. I don't really feel sick much at all anymore. I did feel a little blah last night, but it wasn't as bad as before, and it's not an everyday occurrence. I'm not as tired as I was, but I still have a day here and there where sleeping more would be nice. Today is one of them. We've been sleeping a lot more since the pregnancy started. Both working from home is huge help to that. The last week or so I've seem to have woken up before the alarm. You know it's really hard to get up before that alarm has gone's like I feel cheated. So most of the time I end up going back to sleep for an hour, 30 minutes, or 12...whatever the case may be. Every time I wish I had just gotten up because it's so much harder the second time around. Plus, then the grogginess happens. Jeff has always been a tough one to wake up in the morning. Sleeping more has not been a hassle for him at all. He continues to blame this on my pregnancy, and while I'm not getting up when I naturally wake up I'll let him, but pretty soon he's own his own. The stomach is starting to stick out. Well, it actually has for the last couple of weeks. This past week it seems to have really started. It still looks more like I overate one to many times rather than a baby in there.
In other things...sort of...I know so many pregnant people. Two from this year that I know have already had their babies. Then there are about nine more...ten including me. Lots o babies!

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