Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well, for the past two Sundays we've been at Lake Russell Baptist, which is always great. August 31st I had a play, and then last Sunday was the shower. So here we are back on the search for a church home. If you've read the blog you know Jeff's been going to Brushy Creek Baptist, just a street over from his house, for the past couple of years. After the singles pastor left, the class he was in has dwindled to nearly nothing. Plus, not exactly being singles anymore we didn't know how much longer we could hang out in the class. So we've tried several churches. We went to Newspring, which was good, but honestly didn't feel like where we were supposed to be. We tried the Edge, a newer church just starting meeting at Eastside, and it was good, but again didn't really feel like a church home. Morgan told me about Metamorphosis Church, and we visited there and really liked it. Today we went back to Brushy Creek, and went to the Nearlywed/Newlywed class. There were four couples in there, counting the future Mildes. Three of us were there for the first time. They said two or three couples that are regulars weren't there. Jeff and I were the only couple not yet married. The others had been married nine months to just over a year. The regular teacher wasn't there, but the associate pastor at the church led the class. We liked a message we heard from him earlier this year, and today's lesson was equally as good. It was sort of odd to be in the class....thinking 'oh, wow...we're going to be these married people in 47 days." Sort of makes us feel a little older or something. Now Jeff's friends...maybe one couple is married...the others have been dating the same people for a while, but haven't tied the ol' knot yet. My friends, on the other hand....pretty much all married...with kids. But I guess because for the most part I've known them my whole life is doesn't seem weird to hang out with the married folks. Jeff made the comment.."I don't feel like Morgan and Curt are some old married couple, and even though the folks in that class are our age (possibly younger) and haven't been married that long, it's a little odd to be in a group classified on the status of being married." I totally see that too. Having said that I think we both liked the fact of being in a class with topics that relate to us, and our current thoughts. Today was about parenting...and how if your married, more than likely, you'll eventually be parents, and how to deal with that...what to discuss--discipline, raising children in Godly homes to be Godly people, etc. Jeff and I have discussed all that, and it was sort of interesting and nice to hear some other thoughts, and tips on all that. Sunday School is actually something we both enjoy, and it's one thing a lot of the the more contemporary churches don't have---they typically have home groups during the week. Anyway, I think we're going back to Metamorphosis next Sunday. Probably back to BCBC the next...and check the class out again. I don't know if the feeling for me that I have a LRBC can be emulated anywhere soon, but I also know that God will place us where He can use us best, and where we can grow in Him.


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