Tuesday, November 18, 2008

He makes me laugh

I still haven't posted the before and after pics of the master bath yet. I don't exactly know where they are. I'll try to find them so you can see what we did. However, this blog does involve that bathroom. We keep several rolls of toilet paper in each BR, and every so often get more from the stash in our garage. Well, I put on the last one last night, and at the time didn't want to go out and get anymore. So this morning same thing, but after I had taken my shower other things were on my mind. Later I thought about it again, but again it slipped my mind. It was no big deal, the roll had just started. So I was about to go get some, and walked into the bathroom for a quick second before I made my way out to the garage, and the below picture is what I saw. I wondered why it had taken him so long earlier to use the bathroom. He was laughing as I walked out. He was just doing me a favor...after all I use more than him. I'm still laughing.


Leisa said...

That is HILARIOUS!!!

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