Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Random things

Exercise. Yes, we're still doing that. After hearing some good, yet frightening things about Jillian Michael's 30-day shred I decided to pick that up a couple of weeks ago. I love Jillian, been a fan from Biggest Looser since day one. Watching that show you know this broad is tough. After the first two minutes of this DVD you know why her contestants always do great. I honestly didn't expect that much from a workout DVD; I've never gotten much from them before. Although not as serious a runner as I once was (@ 25-30 miles a week), with running being a pretty intense sport I thought this would be a breeze. WRONG! After the first session I was drenched, and shaking from working out so hard. I could barely lift my arms to shampoo my hair (seriously!). That was just level 1. I started level 2 last week. I've skipped a couple of days here and there. It truly is a good workout. Level two takes more coordination than level one, so I may be sticking with this one a little longer. I even got Leisa in the game. Go Leisa!

Church. Well, I think we've found it. It has been ever so frustrating not having a church here. No where can compare with LRBC, but we couldn't stay. Sure the driving has been done before, but our hope is to have a church near where we can get involved more than just going one service a week and occasional special events. Even more important is to have a great church so that when we have a little Milde they will have a place to go, learn, and make friends. Starting from November we went to Brushy Creek Baptist. We loved the worship, loved the Sunday School, but did feel a little out of place with people who, for the most part, were younger and not planning on starting families soon. We visited with Metamorphosis Church a good bit. We loved the atmosphere of the church, they are incredibly welcoming, but still wanted something a little different. We went to Taylors First Baptist, which is just a huge church. The service, although called contemporary, was quite traditional. We enjoyed the folks in the SS class there. Overall there was a more formality there than we really felt comfortable with. So back to Brushy Creek we went. We decided to go to a different SS class. The members are closer in line to our age, they all have kids (some on the way). We really get a lot from the lessons, and are looking forward to getting to know folks. I'm pretty sure I'm going to sign up for a Greenhouse session on Wed. nights. That's a program where different classes are offered about every five weeks. Jeff's busy time is this session, so hopefully he'll hit it next one. I'm excited about our opportunities there.

Photography. I'm looking forward to the bridal show. Still getting everything lined up for that.

Dad. He's doing great!

Jeff. He's a cutie! Actually, he woke up this morning with a sore throat. I'm sure it's just a drainage thing, so hopefully he'll be better in the morning. We went to bed early tonight...apparently too early since I couldn't go to sleep and now I'm blogging. He should be good as new with the extra rest.


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