Wednesday, August 13, 2008

80 days

Eighty days from now Jeff and I will be married. Still feel like it can't come soon enough, that it's so far away, but increasingly I've been feeling sort of overwhelmed at what's to do, and the fact our time is shorter. Add to that things that we so desperately want to do around the house before the wedding, and work stuff (busy time for both of us). I've been just stressed with all the to-dos. Work stuff, wedding stuff, house stuff, church stuff...I feel like I have a lot on my plate, and a short time to eat it. I know I can get through it all, but still sometimes--AHH! Jeff keeps telling me to just destress and don't let it bother me....but he also knows (cause he read the book Curt told us to) that it's hard for my brain to shut off to everything...that it's never just one thing being thought at up there.
Sunday when we came back we brought a truckload of my stuff...clothes, little decorative things (photos, candles, etc), and a chair. So we unloaded all the stuff for the closet in the master bedroom, and boy is there a lot. So Sunday evening before we'd actually finished unloading everything I got to meet Jeff's oldest friend, George and his girlfriend Liz--both from Macon, GA. We went out to eat, did a lot of was fun. So finished unloading that night, and sort of starting arranging everything. Monday--honestly didn't feel that great. I think the incident over the weekend was still having some effects. We didn't do a whole lot, just ran a few errands. Tuesday we had some rental stuff happening. A very cool thing--we picked up our wedding invitations...yay. Now to address and such. Also Jeff began cleaning out his closet, and like I had done Friday and Saturday, built a large size Goodwill pile. He got really into getting the closet fixed. It had wire shelving, which is not his favorite. We ended up taking all that down, and spackling the holes last night. Today Jeff woke up bright and early and headed to the DMV to renew his license. Yeah, we know he could do it online, but with his hair now he's a lot different from the last picture. Picked up a little wedding decorative stuff at Hobby Lobby. We've been sort of working on this and that all day since. Jeff sanded in the closet, and we both did some trimming. I just finished rolling on a coat of paint. I did some editing on the wedding. I started making the address list for my shower that my awesome church is giving me.

So that's the last few days. I'm just so ready to have it all done...the closer it is to being finished the closer it is until I get to marry Jeff--YAY!


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