Sunday, August 10, 2008

Oh my....

So yesterday I had a wedding. It was a beautiful one, and a long one. Pictures started at we were there at 3:15. We'd actually left my house at 1:00 to eat at the Village Grill in Abbeville, and stop by Lowes for a tarp. Anyway, everything was going well. Nothing out of the ordinary. Gorgeous bride, handsome groom, stunning attendants....every hair in place. My job was not hard yesterday...everyone was coopertive, and just wonderful. The end time for photography was 11:30. At about 10:30, during the reception, my stomach starting cramping...3 minutes later I broke out into a cold sweat....nausea...feeling VERY faint. I motioned my AWESOME fiance over, and told him what the deal was....which he sort of knew by looking at me....and asked him to help me walk to the bathroom, which he did. Well, the bride happened to see and sent glorious people to help as well. So as I was walking to the bathroom, my knees began to buckle, and I sort of passed out down in a little side hall. Jeff said my lips were completely white. up...stumbled in the bathroom where Jeff and a nurse took care of me....ginger-ale and such. Anyway, while I lay in a public bathroom floor (eww) clutching a bag of ice, Jeff did exactly what I needed him to, and I know he was torn between wanting to be beside me...but he stepped in as photographer, and got what we needed. I know I thoroughly freaked Jeff out. He was an absolute always!
So...lessoned learned...drink more fluids and eat more during a long wedding, and really I thought I was, but the effects of dehydration and hypoglycemia hit me FAST.

Thank you Jeff!!! See---you're just so so so awesome! I love you!!!!


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