Friday, August 1, 2008

Ahh...back in Greenville

So I left Jeff's Tuesday for Calhoun Falls. We've had Vacation Bible School this week at Lake Russell Baptist, and I got the joy of helping out with that. Just a little bit about my church--we're small, but talent, creativity, and ingenuity abounds. Austin and I got to act as Bumpo and Bones, two pirates--ARR! Then I got to act out/tell the Bible story, and make a snack that reinforced the story. I always get such a blessing to help at VBS.
That meant from Tuesday until this morning Jeff and I were apart. Quite honestly it's hard to be apart...for both of us. I think it's the longest time we've been apart in months. I've said it before I'm going to miss CF and all my people there, but this is really feeling like home now. I'm beginning to move things up here. Our goal is to have everything that's going to be here moved in and settle before November. So I loaded down my car with my winter now we have the pleasure of figuring out the clothes organizing thing---I really do mean that as a pleasure. I love that stuff.
I expected that I'd get here today, and we'd start on the workout room. We had a lot to clean out, then painting, then putting everything back. Then on to the task of moving a couple of things in the garage. Well when I got here today the first thing I notice was the garage was in order. I walked in and noticed the new hall runner (which I thought Jeff got...completely forgetting I'd ordered in last week). Anyway, I walk in and Jeff said 'got a surprise for you.' I thought he meant the runner. He walks me to the back room. Completely painted and exercise equipment in place. What an awesome surprise!!! Funny thing was I'd actually talked to him on the phone a couple of times when he was doing all that. I had asked what he'd been up to that day...he's nonchalant...nothing he says...just work stuff...being lazy....which didn't bother me that he wasn't working on stuff. He'd worked really hard doing stuff the week before, and I'd planned on helping anyway. So I was surprised today. I just have such an excellent guy! We still have plenty to do, but that went a long way in getting things done. I'm really grateful.
We have three months until we're married, and I can't wait!


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