Monday, August 4, 2008

The weekend

Friday--Got some storage containers for the back closet, got some gifts for our wedding people, got some groceries, and went downtown.
Saturday--we did more around the house. Started organizing the back closet. Still trying to go through, and clean out things all over the living room from the two rooms we've redone. We made trips here and there to pick up a few things....what I don't recall.
Sunday--went to church, came home, more organizing. We went out to dinner with Jeff's parents. Jeff's birthday is this Thursday...August 7th, and he decided he wanted office chairs from his folks. So we went to Target to look at the chairs we registered for. We ended up deciding against those, and waited to go to an office supply place.
Monday--We did some recycling. Had a couple of returns (Lowes & Walmart) to make. Then headed back for lunch. I've been working on a wedding a big chunk of the afternoon, while Jeff made more progress on the back closet and the living room. We went to Office Depot and picked out two lovely chairs for our space.

So mostly it's all been rather mundane, not too much out of the ordinary. I guess the coolest thing is we got some really awesome office chairs. I really feel before Friday, when we head to CF for a couple of days, we can have the house looking relatively normal again, and start on the next project...which I'm not sure what that will be yet.

I've said it a hundred times and I totally mean it....Jeff is an awesome man. Sometimes with so much to do, wedding stuff, house stuff, moving stuff, and leaving so many of my friends/family, my emotions get the best of me. I really appreciate his patience, understanding, and his ability to make me feel better.


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