Monday, August 25, 2008

My friends

I have the awesomest friends ever. It's true, it's been verified by several governmental and private agencies. It's not just the girls in my wedding (although that's who this blog is mostly about), but all of them. I think most of my really close friends are related...well, they're my best friends' families. Growing up as an only child friends became very important to me....they aren't just friends to me, they are family. Let me begin with Morgan. I've known her since forever, but we really became friends after her family moved back from Maine. So we've been friends for about 18 years. We met in church, her mom taught me piano, and from that our friendship grew. We've been beside each other as we've grown up. We went to Europe together, been across the country together, we've been on mission trips together. We played dolls together, talked about boys together. I was in her wedding (she's married to Curt, who I also consider to be a close friend--like my brother). I was there when Brooks, Luke, and Campbell Grace was born--and babysat the first two. We already have plans to make an Oprah and Gayle-esce road trip across the country one day. Her family are also awesome, and I consider them my family too. Lee Anne, her mom had a big hand in my life. Not only did she influence me through my time at Morgan's, but she was my children and youth leader growing up. Al, her dad is great too...he seems quite, but just keep an ear open for those great one-liners. Meghan her sister is great too. She's been there just about as much as Morgan, and I stand in awe of her abilities and patience with children. Austin, Morgan's little brother is super. He's grown into a great guy. He keeps me laughing. He's been there too, and we jumped out of an airplane at 14,000 feet, and he's he one you want next to you when performing any skit/play. I'm adding Rena in this mix too. She's been one of the gang for sometime now. She, like me, has been adopted into the Cann clan. I don't think I've ever been around Rena when we didn't break out into hysterical laughter. She's also an avid fan of musicals...WHAAAT? (see if she's reading this she's laughing)
Then there's Leisa. I grew up with Leisa in church too. We really started hanging out in high school. We've been through all of those awkward teenage years together. We pretty much hung out all the time in high school. Nearly every Friday we were watching a movie, laughing, cutting up. I was her guinea pig when she was in dental hygiene school (although, she's good, so I wasn't worried). We've seen Bob Dylan a few times, Paul Simon, Ringo Starr, and Paul McCartney in concert---and rocked along with them. I was maid of honor in her wedding. I was there (and by there I mean in the room) when she's given birth. I know I can ask her anything and she'll tell me straight. Her mom, Gloria, was always there too.
Next up is Carrie. Carrie is probably the closet friend I've made as an adult. She married Brantley (Morgan's cousin) about three years ago. Last year we started walking, and then running (and then back to walking) together. Carrie is just one of the sweetest and funniest people anyone could hope to meet. We got along from the get-go. I always looked forward to our walks because I knew I would laugh, and be able to get whatever I needed to off my chest. We're both into health stuff, so we talked a lot about that...and PLENTY of other stuff too. The last half of the school year I was fortunate enough to work along side her with 4-H; teaching some health and fitness stuff to some kids in McCormick.
That's not all of them, but those are my girls--and a few more. Anyway, I'm writing about them because I realize how much I'm going to (and already do) miss them. Leisa has lived in Athens for several years now, and Morgan has lived away in Elijay (during high school), Greenville (during college), and for the past couple of years in Greenwood--but she's always been around. I hate that I don't get to see them like I did when they were in CF, but we've sort of adapted. I was really excited last year to gain Carrie as a pal close by. It almost doesn't seem fair that I have to move away. It was hard enough to see Leisa and Morgan the past few years, and now Carrie will be added to the mix. It's hard to think not being able to hang with my people as much....not being able to walk up to Lee Anne's to hang out with all of the crew.
One thing Carrie and I discussed was how life sometimes places you away from people you care about. She moved from Lexington to Clemson for school, and then to CF when she and Brantley were married. Dropped into a place where she didn't really know anyone. My mom went through the same thing when she and my dad were married. They both have said how hard it was to not have friends near at hand. I'm already experiencing a little of that--I really miss my friends. I know without a shadow of a doubt that being with Jeff in Greenville is where I'm supposed to be, where God has lead my life. I'm so thankful for that. I couldn't imagine my life without Jeff. I know that I'll make friends here. I'm hoping whatever church we decide on will put some new friends in my path (I mean the three above I meet in church...that worked out well). I also know that no one could ever replace any of my friends now.


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