Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh, computer...why do you torture us.

Since we only have 40 days left it's hard for me to keep my business based in CF. I can't really take any clients there for portraits soon...until mid-November because there wouldn't be time to edit, proof, and get things to my clients in an appropriate time frame...especially considering the photo work that I'm supposed to have done pre-Nov 1st, the work on the house to do, and of course wedding stuff. So I brought my computer up to Jeff's. The plan is for the creative stuff to be done on the mac in the office--yes, the one that crashed, but is fine now---and the business side of it to be done on my PC, which was to be set up in the kitchen. He had a PC in there, but it was in need of being replaced. The way he had it set up was completely out of the case on top of the cabinet to hide the bulk. Well, after it was out and things plugged where they should, nothing happened. So we maneuvered some stuff to see if we could get it working with other parts...nothing. So there's computer parts strewn all over the kitchen. In other computer related woes....the internet is doing wacky stuff. I'm not sure if something is wrong with the router or what. The laptop in which I am typing is using the Sprint card to connect. Ugh!

Also...for those who don't know Jeff has a couple of rental places. It's sort of a Milde family tradition....very good landlords those Mildes. I know some of you hear rental...and think slum, but it's not like that at all...totally opposite. So with that comes certain responsibilities. Such as Saturday we had to replant some grass, and today cut down a sapling of a tree. That didn't go so saw collided with Jeff's finger. Ouch! Nothing too serious...I mean he just applied pressure and in a bit it was much better, but I know it really hurt...and I know it really bled.

So hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day all around!


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