Friday, September 12, 2008


So last night I was looking over Jeff and my correspondences through facebook, which is where this whole thing begin. I started with the very first one...almost a month in Jeff was telling me how he used to rock climb. I responded with a "sounds fun, but I'm awfully I don't know how well I'd do." So the first time we met I mentioned again my clumsiness(we were walking downtown), and he said something don't seem that clumsy. Well, he's learned different. He's seen me trip, walk into stuff, hit myself with of the first times he came to CF I fell up my stairs and broke my big toe...the list continues. He almost doesn't pay attention to my little accidents, and most of the time I don't either. I just wonder where the bruise came from the next day. Yesterday evening was one of those klutzy examples. I was putting dishes away, and had two HEAVY duty baking sheets, which go in the drawer under the oven. So I lay the baking sheets on the stove, crouch down to open the drawer, pull the sheets off of the stove, and successfully bang them into my eye. It hurt! I had to sat down on the floor a second. I didn't really make an ouch sound, but went and looked in the mirror. It was a little red, and when I hit I, that feels like it could swell, but still by bedtime it was fine. This morning I rolled out of bed and had a hard time opening my right eye. My hand instantly felt my puffy eye. I looked in the mirror...sure enough...swollen shut. Here it is 4:30, and it's gone down a lot, but still pretty puffy. Jeff keeps reassuring me that it looks okay, and it doesn't matter I'm beautiful anyway...which is sweet, but, dude, my eye is swollen. The first thing I thought about this morning was maybe in the two to three days before the wedding I should wear a helmet complete with face guard....seriously!


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