Wednesday, September 17, 2008


We are meeting with Curt tomorrow to start our pre-marital counseling. We're actually a bit late in this. He usually starts six months ahead of time, but we were only have a five moth engagement. Plus, since he was doing his training this summer in Bluffton we didn't have an opportunity to start then. He did give us a few assignments. The books...which I've blogged about, and some other stuff. I'm a little anxious (in a good way) to see what we'll be talking about tomorrow. Jeff and I are very open with each other. We both find it easier to say/ask what's on our mind than to keep things in. Whenever ANYTHING is bothering one of us (or just on our mind) we talk it out, and resolve it quickly. We've talked about a lot of different issues. I remember once when Carrie and I were walking (not long after Jeff and I started dating), and she was discussing the fact that she and Brantley had dated only four months before getting engaged (like us)...anyway her brother asked her if they'd even had a fight yet. That's one thing I thought about. Actually, on our first date--real date, not the coffee shop meetings--Jeff and I got into a bit of a debate. I told my reasons for my opinion, he told wasn't a one side had to be right thing...just different perspectives. Now since then we've had a few other disagreements, but we always talk them out...come to an solution...and move on. Talking and communicating are just things we do almost constantly. So I'm ready for the session long as it's not chapter 8 (joke for a select few).

Continue praying for Jeff's grandmother and the family...she's really not doing well. Sadly, it seems we'll be heading to Tuscaloosa in a few days.


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