Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10 days

Ten days out, and we're excited. From the time we got engaged everybody talked about the last week and how it was just so busy. I'd helped out with friend's wedding, and I remember those last minute runs to pick stuff up. We'll of course have those...some things just can't be gotten until last minute. We were planners with pretty much everything. I think we had a majority of the stuff we had to do out of the way in the first month. The rest of the stuff we just sort of did when we had time. Of course in between wedding stuff, we started working on house stuff. We still have that one spot in the bathroom, but that'll be finished by week's end. Next week we'll have to make sure laundry is done, and what we can pack is packed, so we'll have minimal last minute packing for Savannah. The oil in the truck has to be changed; tires rotated, but that would have to happen anyway. We've been awfully busy the last couple few days...doing the bathroom, cleaning the house, and then we had a rental property thing to take care of today, but I think we're right on track. Out of all the couples we've talked to, only one--a couple from Sunday school--said they didn't really have much to do the last week. A huge help has been the stress free attitude we've taken...whatever happens with details will happen. Sure, we have an idea of how we want things to happen, what we want things to look like, etc, but whether or not the centerpieces look like they should or the napkins don't match the dresses doesn't make a difference in the long run...end of November 1st we'll be married.

side story: Every time we go through the drive through at the bank the teller always says "thank you, Mr. Mild." Yes, you can see why the last name is mispronounced. It's an easy one to do.'s pronounced Mill-dy. So today I went through the drive through...sure enough...."thank you, Mrs. Mild." Jeff told me to get used to it...won't be the last time. But hey, there's always a first.


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