Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We're finishing up the last of the big work in the house...at least the last of what we anticipate for a while. The master bath hasn't been completed since Jeff moved in (3 years ago). They started, but things came up, and it got put aside. It was a big task, and a pain in the tail. There were two layers of wallpaper. Some had been peeled down, and not easily. So there was spackling over that to smooth rough edges, and where some of the sheetrock came off with the first layer. Sunday afternoon I did finished the spackling over the seams. Monday we sanded and had about an inch of white powder everywhere. Jeff trimmed, I rolled. Then we decided to take down the old hardware...yes, after we painted. Then there was the matter of a phone jack that was right beside the toilet (classy) that we decided to get rid of. So there was more spackling over those places. We showered, went out to eat (Brick City), and over to Lowe's to buy hardware. This morning I sanded where the towel rack would go, and Jeff painted over that. We had to redo the hole from the phone jack. We found out that the phone line is piggybacked, and that one happens to go right before the one in the office...so we hadn't had internet except for the Sprint card for the laptop since we patched it. After a little trial and error we found the mistake, fixed it right up, and so now we're waiting on that spot to dry so we can sand and paint. If that little problem wasn't enough the dishwasher spit soapy water all over the floor too today. Nope, didn't use too much soap. We don't know what the deal is, but it seemed to work okay after that. Jeff hung the towel rack. I filled out the wedding announcement forms for the papers. Sent that stuff in. Sent off the pictures for the canvases we want printed. Framed the pictures of us as kids. Cleaned the bathrooms. We went out to PF Chang's with Jeff's parents. Came home and we put together a joint photography portfolio slideshow. Finished the last bits of cleaning the bathroom. Mopped. Dusted the living room, bed room, and dining room. Put up the shower caddy, shower curtain, and hung some awesome plaques in the bathroom (Thanks Carrie--we thought that's surely a place we'll see their important message everyday). Put a load of towels in the washer. Jeff took trash out. There's still more vacuuming to do. Plus, we have to put up some stuff we used in the bathroom...ladder, level, etc.
Gosh, I think that's about it. I have to make some follow up phone calls for some wedding stuff tomorrow. Hopefully paint that last spot in the MB and put up the TP holder.

Tomorrow will be 10 days. It's moving faster now...Thank the LORD!!! I'm so excited to be Jeff's wife. He's an excellent guy, you know.


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