Monday, October 27, 2008

Back to the wedding business

This weekend we managed to clean most of the stuff in my house out. Jeff and I made it back to Greenville yesterday, with a sizable to-do list. Last minute stuff that we had to wait to do. We've been watching the weather for Saturday....went from 60% chance of rain to 0%....hopefully that'll last. The high temp is going to be upper 60s, but the evening my be colder so we got sides for the tent today. We had to make some calls today...talking to people at the church, confirming honeymoon reservations. We ordered the chicken strips for the reception. We also got Jeff some new shoes. The ones he had were about ready to fall apart, and walking in Savannah would not have been good in those. I made gluten-free waffles for dinner. We got a few things to change the oil in the truck with. That's about it for now. Even though we still have a fairly good list of things to accomplish before, Saturday can't come soon enough!


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