Sunday, November 23, 2008

Back at home.

Friday night was really nice at the Milde's. The food was really good, and the company was better! It was nice getting to see everyone again, but Jeff and I had to leave soon to get to CF. It was a little weird to pass by my house, and not turn in. It was really cool to see it already inhabited. Austin has moved in...I can't wait to see what he and April have in store. We got to my parent's and got to chat some with them, and look over our guest book from the wedding. Then off to bed cause we had to get up early for church. LRBC had Thanksgiving breakfast, and it was awesome. That's to be expected with Roger serving as chef! We got to hear a great message by Curt. Jeff was excited to get to hear Curt preach.

I'm still getting used to not being at my home church every week. It's tough! They're planning and mission trip for January 1-3...back to West Virginia. We know Jeff couldn't go since he wouldn't have internet access....the work NEVER stops for him. So I'm trying to figure out if I can go. I really want to see all the kids again...those folks are fun! Plus, who doesn't enjoy a LRBC mission trip?!?

Something else we're dealing with....Christmas shopping. So we sort of figure...for this year at least...each sort of pick out for their family. Of course there's input on the other's part. We've managed to get a few, and hopefully I can nail down a few others this week...before Friday (we're not leaving the house this weekend!) Something else that's sort of interesting this year...we have to buy each other gifts. Jeff and I had barely met last Christmas. The bulk of our relationship was carried out in Facebook messages and chatting on AOL...we'd only met the one time at Starbucks. So, of course, we didn't do gifts. Then my birthday was January he lucked out by not getting me a gift for that either. We only met the second time on the 5th, and that was nearly the last date...yikes!!! We did Valentines....I got us Third day tickets....he got tickets to a play and a frame. I got a gift for his birthday. I know he liked that stuff. Christmas is different for some reason. I guess it's usually sort of the big gift of the year. I have a few ideas. We'll see how that plays out.

Another little note....for the past couple of weeks I've been dealing with name change stuff. I got the new SS card Saturday....with the wrong middle name on it. I mean, my goodness, it was spelled out on the form. How hard is it to read the form, and put that information into a computer? UGH!!! So now I have to deal with all of that once more...super UGH!!!


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