Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The last couple..and random ramblings

Monday was a few errands. Clearing the to-do list a bit. Then...

I finally climbed back on my treadmill after way too long away. I had done a few days of exercise back in October, but I really want to get back in the habit of it being a regular thing. It's difficult. The last several months have been planning the wedding, and working on house stuff. My schedule is completely turned upside down. I don't imagine I can get back into the routine I've been in during previous years. Seriously, I was super organized with that schedule so I could get in the run/workout. Meals would have to be at particular times so food wouldn't interrupt the exercise. Jeff has been in the habit, and consequently I've gotten in the habit of eating dinner at the most inconvenient time for my best workout time. I'm not a good morning runner...evening is my time. So I'd have a snack, then run/do weights, then dinner. Dinner before does not work. Also I've lost a lot of my abilities as far as the level of endurance. I've got the process of building that back up, which just sort of bites...a lot. Jeff wants me to be able to do that. So we're working out meal times. He's getting used to eating later. It's great too because he has a habit of having breakfast, waiting until dinner, and then having a snack later. That freaks me out a bit because he needs to eat more, and it's SO SO SO difficult to get him to eat. This sort of forces him into it. So I can get fit and Jeff can get fat....well, he'll never get fat, but at least he can try.

Tuesday I went Christmas shopping. We're pretty much finished. There's a few left, but not too difficult to buy for. I've even got Jeff's....well, most of it. I'll probably through in another thing or two. He's got to get mine....his first real gift to me. I have full confidence in his abilities to choose wisely.

Today I went grocery shopping before the madness at the market set in. There were a few more than normal there....I can only imagine what it was like later. We took some stuff to Jeff's parents'. We watered some plants at a rental place. I went to the Social Security office to have my name corrected. Not a very long and out and back home in about thirty minutes, which is unprecedented. Plus, my name is now correct. Then I did the treadmill thing again. I've been itching to put the Christmas tree up. The past few years it's had to go up earlier because there were Christmas pictures to think of. Jeff has a thing about not decorating until after Thanksgiving. Going shopping yesterday really put me in the mood. So tonight I assembled the does take over an hour to get it up. I may...may...put lights on tomorrow.

Tomorrow. Not sure what'll happen. I have some stuff to cook. We've already had out official family celebrations. There's a few house things to do. Have some plants to repot.

I do know that, like Morgan (read her blog), I have a lot to be thankful for. Along with the usual things there's some new ones this year. This time last year Jeff and I were online friends, and I was thankful for that. This year I'm thankful that friendship turned into SO much more. I'm thankful that after years of praying, that God sent me the one he intended for me all along. I'm thankful that my family has expanded, and that it includes so so many awesome people. I'm thankful that at every turn Jeff and I can be supportive of each other, that we can communicate about anything, and that we can laugh a majority of the time. I'm thankful that I got to marry my greatest friend, and I'm thankful that he thinks the same thing too!


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