Monday, December 8, 2008


The finally part after the weekend update.

Saturday we went downtown...we were going to eat at Smoke on the Water, and take a little walk. We realized when we got there something was happening. They were having a parade, and parking was no where to be found. Actually and honestly, if Jeff had been a little more patient...yeah, we did look for 10 minutes, but just a few more, and I'm sure we would have found a spot. Jeff hates being in a car and driving somewhere....especially traffic. That's just another sign that God was the one who put us together....Jeff would've never dated a girl so far away. Back to Saturday....we ended up eating at Red Lobster, and watching A Christmas Story. Hopefully next time we can have a real date night.
Sunday we went to SS and Worship and BCBC. Came home ate a quick lunch, and headed to CF, by way of Greenwood. I had to give some wedding albums and such to a client. Then onto the parents' for a little chat, showing them the wedding pictures, and then we went to Northside for their cantata. Jeff got to meet a good chunk of the people I've known my whole life.

One of the places, the main place, we registered at was Target. Like many other places, they have a policy after you're married you get 10% off the registry stuff. We had several gift cards that I couldn't wait to use, but of course I'm waiting until I get the 10% coupon. I've been expecting it for some time. I already knew what we were going to get. Everyday I kept thinking today's the day...we can get our stuff. So finally today it came. We went to Target after dinner, and picked up the stuff we really wanted that was left on the registry. We were very blessed with all of our shower/wedding gifts....nothing bad, and we got a big chunk of the stuff we registered for. So today was icing on the cake.


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