Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What a year!!!

WOW!!! I did not expect the things that have happened this year, and I feel confident to say Jeff didn't either. Last year at this time I had a new friend, who I'd met in person once, and talked to online a lot, and on the phone a bit. This time last year we had a second meeting planned for January 5th, and that's about it. The things I was most thinking about at the end of last year was the 4-H program on Mondays in McCormick, and doing First Place at LRBC....then there was the matter of that guy...aww...who knows where that is going. Honestly, I didn't think we'd go beyond-at best-a few dates. Surely, he wouldn't like me, or I would find something that put me off. Well, my goodness...He liked me-a lot...and I thought he was just the bee's knees. Honestly, I think we both would agree from the time we officially started dating we knew we had a connection unlike any other--that God's hand was in it, and probably in the next couple of months realized that God had put us together to be life-long partners. I learned never say never. I don't know how many times my momma told me that. She said it so many times...specific things she said she'd never do, that she ended up doing...like living in Calhoun Falls. I said I'd never meet someone online. Sure people I knew did it, with great results...but I don't know...for me it's a little creepy. Enter Jeff. I said I'd wait a decent amount of time before deciding to marry someone. I remember last year--the mission trip to WV--Sonya told of how quick she and Jim were married....We mentioned how Kari and Chad dated a month before they were engaged....how Carrie talked about she and Brantley getting engaged after four months of dating....All too soon. But there I was very quickly in the relationship thinking about marrying Jeff, and lo and behold, a little over four months and I was wearing a ring. The wedding came a little quicker than I every thought too. Many brides have about a year...at least six months to plan....I had five. We contemplated waiting for March, but really didn't see the point of putting it off. If we could do it sooner, why not? So we did. Yep...this year...started dating a guy, fell crazy for him (and him for me), got engaged, got married....and because of that moved to Greenville--but little detail is not the main concern. Jeff blows me off my feet everyday. Thank the Lord for him, and for putting us together!!!

Also...I'm leaving Thursday to go to Little Birch, WV for a mission trip. I'll be gone the 1st-3rd. I'm excited cause mission trips are awesome, plus I get to hang out with great people both in WV and those from home, but I already know I'm going to miss Jeff...but I get to come home to him, and my 30th birthday the next day.


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