Saturday, December 27, 2008


This has been a fun Christmas. Our celebrations started last Friday when Jeff's brother, Mike, his wife, Liz, and their son, Daniel came up. We had dinner, and went to see the lights at Roper Mountain. Then Jeff and I went downtown for a little stroll. The next day was our official Christmas with Jeff's family. So we got to hang out again, eat a yummy meal, exchange gifts, and more hanging out. We had a good time.
I started getting sort of sick during last week, so Saturday night I took Nyquil, so I woke up feeling horrible, and Jeff and I missed church. I felt drugged most of the day, but started to feel a little with it later, and so we saw Yes Man.
Monday I was still feeling pretty rough.
Tuesday started to feel better. We sort of hung out at the house both of these days. I made some baked goods. That night we went to the mall...walked around a bit, and sat in the food court people watching.
Christmas Eve we headed to CF to hang out with my parents. We did some eating, and gift exchanging. I got to see the Cann clan a bit. Gave the Hanna kids a gift. Brooks opened it and said 'cool' I guess I did alright (transformers).
We had intended to go with Jeff's parents to Mike and Liz's, but got the call Christmas Eve that both of his parents were under the weather. We ended up staying at home Christmas. Exchanged our gifts for each other...Jeff did a good job, and he liked his good for us. We went downtown, hit Spill the Beans, and walked around a bit.
Friday we hung out here again. George came over, so we got to visit with him a bit, and the boys did a little WOW playing, while I went to Kohls--everything was totally picked over.
Today my parents came up...followed by Linda and Andy, and we visited a while, and then went out for Lunch, before the Watkins headed back to Gainesville. Then Christopher and Frieda came up. We chatted a while, and then ate some desserts (our tradition), chatted some more, and they left. Then mom and dad headed home too. I'm tuckered out today.

I guess the season isn't over quite yet. New Year's is next week. I'm supposed to be leaving on the LRBC mission trip Thursday...coming back Saturday. Then my 30th birthday is next Sunday...I'm told from Jeff I'm really going to like that gift.

Here's a few pics from the Milde Christmas.


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