Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Christmas Decorations are still up and other revelations

I have a thing about leaving them up until after my birthday. See, it's sort of depressing to take them down...so leaving them up a short longer isn't a big deal. The intention was to take them down Monday, but I ended up running a bunch of errands, and didn't have time. Plus, the outside stuff was wet....and they are even more so today. I'm thinking I'll get to those Thursday or Friday---give them time to dry a little.

Jeff is still sick. He started with the sore throat, then head congestion, now chest congestion. This little sickness thing tends to take several days to run it's course. So hopefully by the weekend he'll be pretty much back to normal.

Among my errands yesterday I was going to Hancock Fabric to get cloth for linings...one for a tunic, another for a purse. I didn't go, and now I wish I had the fabric so I could start on a project, but don't want to venture out in the rain. I really want to make the bag before the top, but the bag pattern is backordered.

Leisa sent me a birthday card, and commented how difficult it was putting my last name on it...Milde. My thoughts on that. I have only once signed Bell and once typed Bell for my last name since November 1. For as long as I can think people have been called Lisa Bell...so much in fact that LisaBell is one name. People still call me that, and it's fine, Jeff doesn't care/isn't offended, and I like Lisa Bell....Bell is my official middle name now. I told Leisa it's like I finally have a last name.

I'm going to watch That 70s Show with Jeff....maybe a nap.


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