Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sappy movies

I'm not a big sappy movie person. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good drama, but those ultra tear-jerky flicks just aren't typical for me. Suspenseful, funny, biographical, musical, dramatic (the good kind), romantic comedy, informational, and most definitely classics...these are the ones I stick too. One of my favorites is You've Got Mail....Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan, come on you can't get better than that. I've always enjoyed it mostly for the shop she would be fun to have a little shop like that (the Lake Russell shops perhaps)....the story of them getting together is nice, but not my main reason for liking it. Two that fall into the tear-jerky category is The Notebook and A Walk to Remember. I read the Notebook years ago, saw the movie when I was putting up the tree. It just wasn't as great to me as so many put on, of course I was busy so didn't get to fully pay attention. I remembered the story from the book...the book is better (still not my favorite kinds of books--I like a good mystery). Then A Walk to Remember....I saw this years ago with Morgan and Meg, at Tuck and Mary Jane's the week after Brooks was born. It's a sweet little movie, but still falls into the afore mentioned category. I will say that watching these type movies will other girls makes them better. Anyway, it was on again last night, and I had nothing else to do. That movie just made me think something I've thought many times many times we try equate what happens in movies to life, or we want a life like movies. Now none of us want to end up with Alzheimer's (the Notebook), or die four months after we're married (A Walk..), but those perfect couplings...that relationship we see forming, and the presumed happy ever after we see...that's what we want. We don't see many movies where couples hardly ever see each other because of work, those where they seem to deal with so much other stuff they don't focus on them, those that go through times of hardship that seem to never end, or just a common everyday "why are dirty dishes in the sink?" I've actually read that many younger couples divorce because their marriages aren't movie perfect all the time, which is just ridiculous. I mean come on people...really?!? think the movies are real? No relationship is going to be like that 100% of the time, and there may be times when your spouse completely ticks you off, and Jeff and I are no exception. We haven't had many arguments, and when we do we settle them quickly, but we pretty blessed...I couldn't have ended up with a better guy in a million years.


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