Saturday, March 14, 2009

This week

We started this week sunny and warm, and now we're back to rainy and cold. Top of my agenda this week was working on photography stuff. That hasn't been the case as much as I'd hoped. Monday, we woke up, and right as I was about to start working on stuff, Jeff asks me to put on work clothes and help in the yard. I didn't think it was going to be a big deal, a few minutes, less than an hour. ...long. Then that evening we went to a PPSC meeting, to hear a little about wedding photography. Tuesday I did some of what I had to do workwise, but then also had to go grocery shopping. Then Wednesday I was finally able to get down to business. Thursday, got a little done, but ended up having to go to a doctor's appt with Jeff--nothing serious, just an appt to get a refill on a Rx, but since we needed to make a couple of stops at Target and Home Depot together, after the appt proved a good time to do it. So on to Friday. We had separate errands to make that morning. Then I had insurance stuff to read through, which took some time. Then it was time for our date. We went to see 'He's Just Not That Into You'...which is a pretty good movie. Kind of a chic flick, but Jeff didn't mind. After that though, boy, am I glad I've got a super wonderful husband. So on to today. Another run to Target. Now I'm back to working on photography stuff. Hopefully we're lifting some weights a little later. We're visiting with Metamorphosis Church tomorrow. Not really an exciting week, but a good week, productive, but not in the way I'd hoped.


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