Friday, May 29, 2009

Still going....

A good chunk of this week was filled with getting the Wendy's Dance pictures finished and ordered. Jeff and his dad did some work at the other house the first part of the week. One thing that needed to be done was a little touch-up painting where we had some stuff hanging....just a little spackle, sanding, and paint. Well, even though they used the same paint the colors were off. So yesterday consisted of repainting the bedroom, living room, and part of the master bath. We still have a few touch-ups to go, but we just painted those rooms last year, so paint should be okay. We're having new carpet put in next Tuesday, we'll do a little cleaning, and then it's ready to be leased. Then we can start back to work on our place. We have arranged our sofas, but we still have the little things to get in place. There's stuff to be put on the walls, things to be set out, and still a little in the office to plug in. There's also all the bathrooms to paint. Hopefully I can get to that next week.
Today we will be going to one of Jeff's parents places to do a little cleaning, merchandising, and ready to show. Then it'll be back to Banyan to paint the garage, clean a couple of things. Hopefully with tomorrow looking like no rain, I can paint the shutters over there. Maybe we'll even have time to paint our front door and get the new hardware on.

Dad update---He's still doing pretty good. Chemo starts Monday. The kind they are doing Monday has to be given extremely slow, so it'll take seven to eight hours. Tuesday he'll have another kind. I think then he'll have another round 28 days later. Everything is still looking good....looks like he'll be around for quite a while, which is nice!


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