Monday, June 1, 2009

An anniversary of sorts

Tomorrow is a year to the date Jeff asked me to marry him....sort of. We had talked a lot about marriage. We both knew that was in our future together...there was no denying that we were meant for each other. Well, we'd talked around about how long should people date, what's the appropriate time to know that he/she is the one. I think a lot of that had to do with the fact we knew pretty soon into the relationship, but anyway, we sort of said one year. Well, one night we were downtown, and Jeff asked, "How long would it take to plan a wedding anyway?" To which I said, "At least six months." That sort of got me wasn't going to be a year, but who knows, maybe it will. So we'd planned a camping trip for May 31st. About a week before I got an email that I'd been selected to be a possible winner of a pop-up camper...we'd enter through Shine 96.7. The drawing was May 31st. So how perfect? We thought maybe I'll win and and we would get out of bunking in a tent. Well, as we were about to head out to go to the RV store, then to Table Rock, Jeff grabbed his check book. You see a pop-up camper is something Jeff has always wanted, and he thought, if I didn't win maybe he'd get serious about shopping for one. Well, I didn't win. We went camping. We had chili, made smores, and as we were sitting by the fire, Jeff asked, "How far into dating would it not freak out our parents if we got engaged?" So we pondered, and thought six months or so of dating. We sort of decided...we'll make engagement official in September, and March we'd get hitched. So I was super excited, kind of on pins and needles, he'd basically asked me, but nothing was set. So we got in out sleeping bags, and were laying there talking about things, and Jeff said, "I think we should go shopping tomorrow, and get married in November." I said, "Like what? You want to get married sooner? You want to buy an engagement ring tomorrow? Are you sure?" He said, "Yeah, I think so." I was SO HAPPY! He gave me the option of him picking it out or me picking it. He really wanted me to since I'd be the one sporting the thing for the rest of my life. So we left early Sunday morning from camping, waited for the mall to open, looked around at every ring. I decided to go to other stores the next day, but then changed my mind. So the ring was purchased June 1st, but it had to be resized. June 2nd at about 8:00 pm Jeff called to see if it was ready because we hadn't heard anything, and were super excited to get it. We were the only ones that had a clue all of this was going on...except that Jeff made his facebook status as 'Jeff is in anticipation' which made Leisa suspect something right away. So we got the ring, and went downtown to our spot, and that's when it was made all official. Jeff asked and I said yes. Yay! Instead of the six months I'd said it would take we had five, but that worked wasn't about the wedding it's about the marriage. Seven months today, and it couldn't be better. We're looking forward to many many years to come.


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