Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Working in the yard

We've moved outside the last couple of days. The shrubbery was all overgrown, so with the help of Jeff's parents we have removed all the old and are replacing it with new. Nancy and I rode around and checked out some yards we liked in a few neighborhoods last week. We've got some good stuff happening. We've finished with one side...except Jeff has to hook up water to that area. We've got the other side to go. We also plan on doing something like a natural area on the side of the house where drainage isn't adequate...the grass stands in too much water and is dying. So we plan on a path to the gate, and some nice shrubs, pots, and such to make that area look awesome. The backyard is in our thoughts, but I'm sure we won't get that finished anytime soon.
The after pictures are coming, we just have to finish things. We still have little things in every room. Examples...we don't have art hanging everywhere, we don't have end tables, we don't have lamps...some of it is being used in the old house as part of merchandising and making it look good, and some we have just yet to get. Someday soon...hopefully.


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