Friday, July 24, 2009

Crazy smoke detectors

Last night was loud. Our house has smoke detectors that are wired in, so if one goes off the others do too. We were settling in to sleep...about 12 or so...and BEEP BEEP BEEP. We heard the detectors. Just on and off real quick. So we get up, fire....go to every room sniffing, trying to come up with a reason why it went off. Nothing. Back to bed. About ten minutes later it happens again, but this time it's a little longer. So again we are going around again, double checking. Nothing. Back to bed. Several minutes later, it happened again, but it went off for a while. We just sat there a bit, and finally decided to take the batteries out. We knew that either the one in, or right outside the bedroom sounded like it was the first one to go off, so those are the ones we took out. We discovered that they needed to be changed. Thankfully we had to 9v batteries. Surely that would work. We lay back now it around 1am. Several minutes pass, and again we wake up a loud BEEP. We cut the power to those things...that would definitely work. Back to bed...starting to drift to sleep. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. This time for about five minutes. How is that happening? Power is gone. Finally they stop. We are up...figuring out what to do, and the one by our door goes off yet again...but just that one. So Jeff unplugs it from the ceiling. We're about to head to bed...and that little booger (sitting in the floor) goes off again. Battery out. One sad last BEep.... FINALLY around 2am we go to sleep.

Do you remember the episode of Friends where that happened to Phoebe?


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