Friday, July 31, 2009

This week past

Last Saturday we had to take my car to my parent's house. My dad being the big car guy had to have the door painted. It's looked bad for some time and begin chipping a few months ago. While we were down there we got to visit with my Aunt Frieda and Christopher...they just bought a new house. My cousin Spurgeon was there too, and I haven't seen him since the it was good to see folks.

Either Sunday or Monday the mac started acting funny. It's nearly five years old, and computers don't age well. So we ended up reformatting, and restoring things with our back up drive.

I decided that I finally have time to devote some to exercise. It's been when we started looking for houses (mid-march) since I've really exercised. Last week I did a bit of running, and set Tuesday to be the official launch of me getting down to business. Jeff started lifting weights too. So we'll both be in shape.

Wednesday I woke up feeling pukey horrible. No I'm not pregnant (that will hopefully come in due time-excuse the pun). I think I had some sort of a bug. This was also the day we were set to clean the condo to get ready for our new tenant. So while Jeff and his parents were cleaning, I was sick and napping. About half way through the day I started feeling better, and so far so good.

The other day I ordered a new bag pattern, and some fabric, but I really need to finish the quilt project before I get to work on another thing. I tried the hand quilting route. I did about a square in two hours. That would take forever, plus it's not the easiest on the fingers. I tried a little machine quilting, but with that much quilt it's sort of hard to maneuver. So I decided to do the tying method. Unless I paid someone with a long arm, it's pretty much the only sane way I can do it. I really would love to hand quilt, it would be my favorite look for this quilt, but it would sit unfinished for years. I begin tying it last night. It's really easy to do. I've been working on it more today. Tying still makes the fingers tender, so I'm taking a break now.

This morning the mac again crashed. We're trying some stuff. Hopefully we can get it functional again. We also signed a lease with our new tenant. That's a relief to not have any open at the moment. Tonight we're going to P.F. Chang's to celebrate.

For now, I think a nap may be in order.


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