Thursday, June 17, 2010

Since the last post.

Yeah, I don't update this much.
I'm now 30 weeks into the pregnancy. We still have a lot of things to do to get ready for Ada...a lot of things to get. The room isn't finished yet. The walls are the appropriate colors now. The bedding has been made; I just have the curtains to go. We ordered a glider earlier this week. There are things to be hung on the wall. I still have to get a mirror to fit one frame. I decided to paint a canvas with some of the flowers from the fabric, and hang above the crib....still have to do that. We got a ceiling fan installed. I'm expecting the next few weeks to become busy preparing the final touches.
The garden is doing well. I haven't taken any photos of it in a while, but hopefully will soon. The tomatoes are taller than the stakes. The squash plants are huge (sadly, I think they are starting to produce less and maybe finishing for the summer soon). The eggplant is blooming like mad. The asparagus has ferned like it should. We are waiting on the big tomatoes to start ripening. The grape tomatoes have been for a week or so. We've been weighing everything we get, and so far we've gotten about 25lbs. from our little garden. Plenty of squash and cucumbers.
We've done two weddings in the past few weeks. I'm finishing up the editing of one as I type. We also had a wedding show at the Carolina First center last Thursday.
Jeff had a cold the first part of June, and passed it to me (and his mom). Although I'm feeling much better, I think the after effects might possibly turn into an ear infection, which I desperately do not want. We shall see. I have an OB check up tomorrow. I don't if an obstetrician keeps an otoscope in the office or not, hopefully things will be better before then.
Okay, I'm leaning toward a nap...until the next update.


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