Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yep, that's right...we are.

I hope no one finds this post too personal. If you are offended I'm certainly sorry. So today was a day I've been dreading....I had a doctor's appointment. Yeah, the gynecologist....it's something all that ladies have to go through. See today was my first one of those. I had to go get started on birth control pills for November. Now those who know me will most likely not find this next fact shocking; I don't know what Jeff's closest will think, but Jeff and I are both virgins. Yep, I'll be 30 in January, and he'll be 29 next week...and yep, both virgins.

Here's our stories: I became a Christian when I was nine. I was raised in a Christian household, in church all the time, and so all those dos and don'ts in the Bible was taught to me early---that's not to say I've always abided by those rules; I'm certainly not perfect, but pretty much from the time I knew about the birds and bees I was taught that sex should be saved for marriage. When I was about 15 or 16 we went through a Bible study called True Love Waits, and I signed a commitment card to save sex until marriage....I made the promise to God, myself, my parents, my church, and my future spouse. I remain true to that promise. Honestly, being a Christian and hearing and listening to that small quite voice in times of temptation--no matter what it is--has saved me from any number of difficulties.
Jeff was saved later in life...he was in his early twenties. He was always a good guy (his parents raised him well), never was he some cad out to pick up whatever he could bring home. Always a gentleman; still he was an all-American male. After he became a Christian he decided wait until marriage. Before that he had came so close to it, but for whatever reason but he didn't go through with it--he says now he knows it was God who stopped it. I have to admit I cringe when I hear how close he was to that.
Quite honestly I never thought I'd end up with a virgin...Surely everybody even close to my age has had sex. That pretty much mirrors Jeff's thoughts too. How could two people our age and still virgins end up together. We're both sort of shocked that it was even possible. I understand we're rare. I think Jeff even more so than me...that's what guys are supposed to do...sow wild oats and all. I mean...come on..we're human. Sure, we're looking forward to the wedding night for obvious reasons, but also we get to share something that nobody else has ever had with either of us. It's special. To us the fact we're together and get to have that first experience with each other on our wedding night shows just a little more how awesome God is. I can see all those years ago when I got that gold band to symbolize my promise that God had Jeff in mind for me. I was a teenager and about 14 years from meeting Jeff, but that promise was to him. He'll be getting that ring on the night of November 1st. I can see that Jeff didn't go through with it back then because God intended him to wait for me. Neither of us would have ever guessed these things back then. I'm so so thankful that I've kept my promise. I'm so so thankful that Jeff didn't go through with it. I so so thankful that we have that first time to look forward to, and it'll be on our wedding night. It really means a lot to both of us, and it may be hard for some to understand, but it's awesome.

Hope that wasn't too personal.


Leisa said...

I don't think it's too personal and I think the whole world should know it because I think its GREAT!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you both. What an awesome testimony and special gift you have for each other. God is so wonderful how He prepares the way for such special moments in life. Way back them who knew that one day God would bring you both to this very moment in time and have you only for each other. How great is our God.

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