Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Progress and cuteness!

Before I get to the cute part there's the progress stuff. So Tuesday I was to leave to go to CF for a hair appointment in Greenwood, and jury duty the next day. Well, yesterday morning I got a call from the magistrate's office telling me I was excused from duty because all the cases had been filled. What an answer to prayer. I just had been feeling completely overloaded, and taking time out for jury duty wasn't something I really wanted or hardly afford (time-wise) to do. I still had the hair thing, so I decided to head onto CF that morning, pack some stuff, and go to the appointment and come back to Greenville from there. I got to CF around 1:00 and immediately begin putting stuff in boxes. I sort of had a list of things to take, knowing to leave anything there I can't live without. We'd decided to use my dining table, so I thought I'd bring that back too. So after I got most of the boxes in the truck I called my dad to help me load the table and chairs. We got all that on and tied down in time for me to head to Greenwood to let Michal see what to do to the hair for the wedding, and a trim. She just moved into a new salon, so it took time to find that. We figured out my style, and she gave me a trim. Then I headed back to Greenville arriving in time to have pizza at Jeff's parents and get to visit with Daniel.
The first half of today was filled with errands. We got a little more wedding stuff taken care of. Then came back to Jeff's house to get the stuff I brought in order. We painted the shelves for the closet, and got all but one in (it has to be trimmed). So I've got to put some stuff on there, and I think it'll pretty much be in order. The table is in place. Figuring out what little decorative pieces to use is sometimes hard, but I think we're melding it all nicely. Still plenty to do, and I'm about to go finish for a while. The rest of the week will be devoted to photography work.

Now for the cute thing. I've mentioned Jeff's game before. He loves playing this thing. I'm just not one for being in front of a computer that long. Plus, games like that just aren't my thing, but it's his. So later this year an expansion for his game is coming out--actually due during our honeymoon, and he has vowed if it comes out then he won't play, which I wouldn't expect. Today he got an invitation to download the beta version of it. He was SO a little boy with a new toy. Poor joy...he's so cute!


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