Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Yummy list

Before Jeff and I were engaged we had talked about marriage quite a bit. One thing we discussed is our roles-who would do what. Seeing as how Jeff doesn't cook--I mean unless opening a bag of chips and jar of dip is considered cooking--we knew that would be my thing. I enjoy cooking, but it's been a while since I've cooked for anyone but me. I had a very scheduled and very predictable way of eating. I ate a lot of veggies, fish, fruits....low fat, low sodium. I had gotten very used to that. Early on I started cooking here and there, and as we spent more time together we started eating at home more and more (eating out every meal is expensive). What I realized right away is--like Brantley--Jeff isn't into leftovers, figuring out different things to cook is difficult, and when one has eaten out quite a bit their taste has adapted to different cuisine than what I normally cook. Every time I cooked I would ask "how is that?" He would usually give me a standard answer....and sometimes I could figure it out by his face the first bite--spinach frittata=no. I had standards that I'd made here and there, so somethings I knew worked, but I can't prepare the same few things over and over. So I came up with Jeff's Food Log. There are three categories in the food log--YUMMY! :), Ehh/Ok, Maybe :/, and YUCK & why :(. For the later two a reason why (if he can some up with one) is required. For example--Vegetable Lasagna fell in the Ehh category because it was "too spinachy." So I know next time don't use as much spinach, and see where it falls then. So far more are in the yummy column (the spinach frittata is the only thing in the yuck side), which is really great for me. So I'll continue trying things until we have a wide selection to choose from.


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