Friday, January 23, 2009

More sewing

The last couple of days have been filled with quilting. I started a quilt about a year and a half ago. It was originally part of a Bible Study group, in which we would do our study and learn to quilt. Scheduling didn't exactly work out, so we ended up just doing the study. I wanted to still do the quilt, so my neighbor at the time, the quilting extraordinaire, Lee Anne, helped me get started. We had already picked out a pattern. I decided to use brighter, yellow, green, blue...and all in 1930s reproduction fabric. Everything in the quilt is square...there are 4.5 in square blocks (the patterned fabric), 1.5x4.5 white rectangles, 1.5x1.5 in solid colors. So I had already made a good start cutting the patterned fabric, and sewing them each to a white piece. That's as far as I had gotten. So Wednesday night I laid the squares out, and got them where I wanted. Thursday I spent sewing those rows together. Today has been cutting out the little squares, sewing them to the white strips, and ironing those. I've got a bit more ironing to do. Hopefully tomorrow I can finish that, and figure out the rows of those, and sew those together. I will then...probably next week....sewing those rows to the others, and since it's all diagonal I have to square that up by cutting the excess, put on borders. That will be the quilt top....I'll need some pointers on the actual quilting. Too bad Lee Anne's not as close. I might actually take it to a place that has a long arm machine, and have it quilted there. We'll see.

My layout before sewing:


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