Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sewing and Sniffles and Workouts

This week, for the biggest chunk, has been about sewing. I ordered a couple of patterns before Christmas, one is still backordered, but I'm just now getting to them. I've pretty much completed the Anna Tunic (just have to get felt to finish the flower pin), and as soon as my other pattern comes in I'll get busy on that. I've got a quick one (an apron) that I have to get material for....maybe I'll go tomorrow.
Both Jeff and I are still sort of sniffly. He's pretty much better, just an occasional sniffle. I was not so great this weekend...lots of head congestion, but seem to be doing much better too.
Before all the end of December I was getting into the grove of hoping on my treadmill three times a week for an hour. Then right before Christmas I got sick, then it was Christmas/New Years-so I missed some days there, then I got sick again. I've been trying to do it regularly, but all that put a few kinks in. I still got to do it, just not as scheduled. I even added pilates and a little weights last Monday. It seems though, for now, I can get back in it. I did workout last night. I'm hoping to do the pilates and weights again in a second. I'm hoping that--at least running wise--I can be back at my previous level by the end of March.


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