Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Beginning week

I decided to start sewing my bag yesterday, but didn't get too far. Other things just seemed to crop up...grocery shopping, cooking...I don't even remember what else. So I figured today would be the day. I woke up this morning feeling a little stuffed up. The stuffed up feeling reminded me of lyrics to 'Love Is' from Down by the Creekbank, which I think every one my age has done in a church musical in their earlier days. So with "never stuffed up, never, puffed up, never giving up when the going's tough.." running through my head I started the day. I cleaned the bathroom (except toilets, which Jeff got later...that's the deal). Jeff took some books to Greenville Literacy. We watched our devotion video...Andy Stanley's Go Fish. Then I started on my bag. Around 1:30 or so I started feeling sick...like weak, sort of chilly, and out of energy. I took a nap hoping to be revived, but it didn't help much. I think it's allergies...the Bradford pear in the front yard is blooming, and as soon as those guys start this starts for me. I sucked it up and finished my bag. I really wanted to do some exercise today. I haven't done anything, well, Jeff and I walked a few times, but I haven't done my regular sweaty, breathing hard, really working it exercise that I love since last Sunday..because I woke up Monday in serious pain from an injury. So I was hoping today would be the day---honestly I feel so much better in so many ways when I exercise, but with the other stuff happening I skipped today. After dinner I celebrated being lazy by watching Biggest Loser (the best), and making peanut butter cookies with Reese's pieces.

I'm excited about the end of the week. Austin and April's wedding is Saturday, and I can't wait. It doesn't seem like that long ago when Aus was just a little boy accidently dropping gum in my hair, and now he's marrying the wonderful and lovely April. Yay! I not only get to go to this wonderful event, but also get to be the photographer....Jeff is going as my trusty assistant---taking pictures and making sure I eat and drink.

Here's my bag--it's bright:


Leisa said...

Lisa, I LOVE the bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, you should make a lot and sell them. I'd buy a few! :O) Hope you feel better, we've got the crud too.

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