Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Not much of an update.

Not too much has been going on in the Milde household. We needed a little stupid movie time, so we saw Paul Blart: Mall Cop Saturday night. Sunday we went to church, and just hung out around the house most of the day. Monday was also spent here...working for both of us. Today I had a list of places to go. I was hoping to get back and work on the quilt, but decided to make sure we had all our tax stuff together instead. Did my time on the treadmill. Cooked dinner....I watched Biggest Loser, while Jeff played World of Warcraft. I'm hoping to get back to the quilt tomorrow. I'd like to go to Heirlooms and Comforts in Central to peruse the fabrics...maybe pick up a few Amy Butler fat quarters to start another quilt, and maybe a charm pack or two as well. I just got a Denyse Schmidt Quilt book which has a pattern for one of her fun quilts...it's the Any Way You Slice It pattern. It looks really improvised, but looking over the instructions I think I could do it. I'd love to use Amy Butler fabrics for it. We'll see what the next project will be after I finish what I'm on now.

Onto other things...Valentine's Day is coming up. Last year Jeff and I hadn't been dating too long. I didn't really know what to get him, but settled on Third Day tickets. I figured that's something he would enjoy, and be a good outing for the two of us. This year I have no clue. Honestly...nothing comes to mind....well, things that aren't a chunk of change....like a Wii or GPS. So I'm taking suggestions. Remember Jeff's a geeky guy...I mean that with much affection. I <3 geeks!


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