Tuesday, February 17, 2009


My shoulder is SO much better. There is still some tenderness there, and a little pain occasionally, but nothing like Monday. Under a few peoples orders (Mom-RN, Jeff, Nancy) I can't workout for a while. This is frustrating for me. I was getting the hang of regular workouts again...especially my treadmill time. If you aren't a regular exerciser you may find it tough to understand not relishing in a break. Honestly, exercise is not always fun. Sometimes it's very hard to be motivated to start the routine, but about 99.9% of the time I'm so happy I finished. There's a since of accomplishment from finishing, not only that endorphins are released which give you a little high--hence runner's high, then you feel better overall when you have regular exercise. It also gives me a time to think...I do some of my best thinking while running....I mapped out the better part of our wedding during a six miler. I totally understand that the pumping of my arms is not a good thing while it's healing, but UGH! I miss it so bad! I really wish I had my bike. To make it even worse Biggest Loser was on tonight...one of my favorite shows. If you don't watch it you should...it's very motivating and uplifting. It's awesome to see these peoples' lives transformed. I think it holds a special place for me because, while I wasn't as heavy as the contestants (most began at over 300lbs...my heaviest was 190), I know what being overweight is, and how much it means to get healthy. Hopefully I'll be back to normal in a few days, and can get back into my routine.


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