Thursday, August 6, 2009


This week has started busy, but has been good...for the most part. Monday I had so much on my to-do list, but about 10:00 that morning Jeff started feeling really bad. He had a fever and chills, so I didn't want to leave him. That day wasn't busy with what I had planned. That afternoon he started feeling better, and Tuesday was back to normal. Tuesday Liz, Daniel, and Jeff's parents came over. Daniel is staying at the Milde's this week, which is fun. We got to show Liz around the new digs, and talk to her a bit. Hopefully we can hang out with them more soon. Tuesday I ended up getting to do a lot of the things I had planned Monday...including a run to several grocery stores. I'm starting to really get things together for the bridal show I'm going to be doing in September. I ordered several sample albums, which are arriving and looking great. Wednesday we, along with Jeff's dad took Daniel to the children's museum. He had a blast, and did not want to leave. There was so much for him to do there, he was extra speedy darting around seeing it all. He did have a few things he liked the best. The cars that you put together and race was his favorite. He also enjoyed the climbing thing in the middle--I did too. He spent a lot of time playing in the water stuff down stairs, and left the museum soaking wet. We had lunch and dinner at the Milde's. I also got some really wonderful news on my dad. He had a pet scan a couple of weeks ago to see what the first two treatments were doing. The results showed no cancer. Everything looked clear. The doctor called him a miracle. See, prayer works! He had another treatment last week, and they will continue for a while to make sure everything is gone.
Today, as I type I'm making lasagna. I had to run to Wholefoods to get a few things. Make Jeff some cookies, which he requested for his birthday. Also I have to buy his birthday gift--he'll be 30 tomorrow. I'm still unsure about what to get. I'll come up with something...I hope.
Happy Birthday to Jeff! I love you!!!


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