Thursday, October 8, 2009

Since the last time...

Let's see...we met with the insulin pump folks. He's decided which one to go with, and we have an appointment tomorrow with the endo to do a follow up and have her do her part for a pump. We also have a class Monday that will help us learn a little more about it all. We're both pretty excited for him to get the pump.
We fixed our mailbox again.
We decided to paint the outside around the door, and including the columns. The columns needed to have the caulking replaced so we had to get rid of the old, put in some new, and it's still drying. Around the door has been painted, and hopefully the columns will be a gleaming white soon.
We decided to do a little decorating outside. We have plenty of fall stuff from an event that took place on November 1st of last year. We've added a little Halloween to it too. Just a couple more things and we'll be finished.
The garage has been organized. We can now get the truck in there. We have an old lawnmower and vacuum cleaner to sell and a cabinet to get rid of, and possibly the car can fit in as well.
Saturday we went to Calhoun Falls. We got to hang out with my parents a while. Then off to LRBC the next day. I love that church. We were both excited to see the progress of the new's looking awesome!
Yesterday we went to the rental places, and planted fall stuff in the pots. Plus, I did a couple here. I'm so ready to do it in the front too, but our summer stuff is still going fairly well.
We've got a few other things lined up for today. Then the doctor appointment tomorrow. Possibly a little yard work Saturday..depending on the weather.

Next weekend we will be traveling to Louisville, KY to Dallas and Laura's wedding. I can't wait!


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